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You will not have to walk too far on any of our holiday parks before finding one of our many Bug Hotels or Minibeast Homes. Created by our staff from 100% recycled materials, these homes represent just a small part of our mission to support wildlife and keep conservation in mind in all that we do.

We have had quite a wide range of visitors to our bug hotels since opening, including - mason bees, leaf cutter bees , ladybirds, butterflies, spiders, earwigs, worms and even a toad and nesting blackbird! 

An insect house in your garden will provide a nesting opportunity and hibernation place for many beneficial insects, thus, increasing insect diversity in the area and helping naturally restart important ecosystem services like soil formation, pollination and nutrient recycling.


Bug hotels benefit lots of different types of minibeast and insects such as ladybirds, bees, spiders and woodlice. Minibeasts can then use your bug hotel as a safe space to shelter, lay their eggs, raise their young, and seek refuge from predators.


Although you can build your bug hotel at any time of year, many animals start looking for safe spaces in autumn in preparation to hibernate. At this time of year, it will also be easier to collect all kinds of natural items that will help you with your eco-friendly creation.




Let us know what you see
and record in our wildlife
journal found at the park
office or use the hashtag #keatfarmparks on

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