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Keat Farm David Bellamy 'Blooming Marvellous Pledge For Nature' Projects

About The Pledge

Keat Farm Parks have been involved with the David Bellamy Conservation Award scheme for almost 10 years. Recently rebranded as David Bellamy's Blooming Marvellous Pledge For Nature, we continue as a company to embrace the values that the scheme stands for and strive to run our parks with an environmental conscience.


The award challenges us to protect and create habitat for the abundance of wildlife which we are so lucky to play host to, and through various projects make conservation a key factor in our work.


We would like to invite our customers to get involved too if they wish. This could be by taking part in one of our nature events (please see park noticeboard), creating a wildlife friendly corner in your own garden, helping us to recycle or by reporting back to us with any nature photos you may take on your stay.



Please look out for these project markers as you walk around our park and scan the QR codes to find out more!


Have a wonderful holiday with us!

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